How To Create Unlimited Email Address On Your One Gmail Account

by Monday, September 24, 2012 0 comments
Gmail is the most important email provider in internet world. Now we can use unlimited email address by one Gmail account.

1. Go to Settings Button at top-right to your Gmail account and click on it view menu and on the menu you click on Settings menu.
How To Create Unlimited Email Address On Your One Gmail Account
How To Create Unlimited Email Address On Your One Gmail Account

2. Now click on Filters on Settings tab menu.
How To Create Unlimited Email Address On Your One Gmail Account
How To Create Unlimited Email Address On Your One Gmail Account

3. Click on Create a new filter.
How To Create Unlimited Email Address On Your One Gmail Account
How To Create Unlimited Email Address On Your One Gmail Account

4. Now here in the To Field enter your email id + the name would be like to create. For e.g: yourname+fb here yourname is the id of your mail (, here id is yourmail) and fb is your new mail unique name, now your new email id is
How To Create Unlimited Email Address On Your One Gmail Account
How To Create Unlimited Email Address On Your One Gmail Account

5. Now click on Create filter with this search area. Now you select Skip the Inbox (Archive it) and Apply the label and select or create new label from drop down menu. After select label click on Create filter button.
How To Create Unlimited Email Address On Your One Gmail Account
How To Create Unlimited Email Address On Your One Gmail Account 

6. Now your email is created with your new label.
How To Create Unlimited Email Address On Your One Gmail Account
How To Create Unlimited Email Address On Your One Gmail Account



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