How to Use Proxy in Firefox by Easy Add-on

by Tuesday, September 18, 2012 0 comments
Proxy Firefox
Proxy Firefox
For using banned site we use proxy server. But it not so easy to find good proxy at a time, so we use random proxy to use banned site sharply. There are so many system to use proxy. Here is the one system by Firefox add-ons.

We need download Two thing to use proxy ip and port.

After Installing two things go to menu bar and right click on it and activate Add-on bar.
Activate Add-on bar
Activate Add-on bar
Now, you can see this add-ons preview on add-ons bar:

Here Is Some site To get Proxy IP and Port:

Click on Use System Proxy to view its option:
1. Now click on Manual proxy configuration.
2. If you have http proxy then input ip address to box number 2, or you have socks/https proxy then input ip address below to box number 2.
3. Then give port number to box no. 3 (if use socks/https proxy then use its port box)
4. At last press OK button.

Here I use socks/https proxy
After press OK you can see on add-ons bar like Proxy:
Now, your firefox use proxy connection.

Now click on Proxy then it automatically revert to direct connection.
So, there are no proxy connection is established.
If you again click on Direct Connection then automatically connected to proxy server.



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